Thursday, August 13, 2009

Damselfly (18) - Prodasineura Humeralis

Family : Protoneuridae
Common Name : Orange-striped Threadtail
Status : Uncommon
Location : Chestnut Ave

Despite being a common species in Malaysia, this forest damselfly was recorded for the first time in Singapore at Chestnut area in Oct 2006. So I was glad to have spotted this uncommon  species at a stream along Chestnut Avenue Bicycle Trail on 4 Oct 2009. Not a difficult species to get close and it often returned to the same perch. But I observed that it preferred to perch very lowly just above the water surface of the fast moving stream making it tiring and difficult to get a good angle shot. The lighting was also not ideal as it usually chose a shaded perch. The colour of the male is generally dark brown from head to tail with some orange markings on its abdominal segment.

(Male - Chestnut Ave, 6 Oct 2009)

There were about 3 males in the steam when I revisited the place on 6 Oct 09. A female was spotted about 30 metres away from the stream. It has duller brown in colour with white marking on its abdomen. Initially, I thought it was a species that I had photographed before and as it was already quite late, I just took about 4 record shots and left. I regretted after I realised that it was a female of this species which reportedly is more uncommon than the males. I shall visit the place again to get an improvement shot.

(Female - Chestnut Ave, 6 Oct 2009)

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